

來自印尼的伊莉莎白(Elizabeth Wahyu)在印尼雅加達南部地區擁有一間珠寶首飾店,她不只在這裡販售首飾,更將對珠寶工藝的熱愛與城市中的其他家庭主婦分享。他看見這些婦女的困境——她們往往學歷不高、只有小學或中學畢業,因此難以找到工作,只能困守在家庭之中。

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Elizabeth Wahyu runs a jewelry shop in South Jakarta where she started sharing her love of jewelry with a stark realization: urban housewives, many of whom did not graduate from elementary or middle school, are experiencing work scarcity and therefore have no work or purpose beyond the household.

伊莉莎白決定招攬他們一起手工製作珠寶飾品,以「賦權」這些婦女,協助他們達到經濟獨立。透過口耳相傳,目前已經有 70 名婦女在接受伊莉莎白的訓練後得以靠珠寶工藝賺取穩定收入。

As a result, she is on a mission to empower housewives by introducing them to handcrafted jewelry. Recruited via word of mouth, 70 women from South Jakarta are now trained in making jewelry for a steady stream of income.


Having dedicated 17 years to this program, Elizabeth says she is “keen on keeping the family of women growing and learning.” She believes that women should be beautiful inside and out.


The undeniable quality of each jewelry piece reflects the love these women put into their work: from crafting the overall shape down to weaving the very last bead.

While the majority of the staff have continued their work with Elizabeth, a handful have branched out to start their own business to further pursue their love for jewelry making.


Those that have stayed over the years started out as single women and now have families and children of their own.

Through jewelry workshopping, these women are creating safe spaces for those that are otherwise trapped in a life of domesticity. The road towards liberating women from categorically submissive roles is bright and promising.

原文自 《The China Post

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