A designer from Thailand recently launched a series of school uniforms with a rebellious spirit to show his support for the ongoing student movement. The eye-catching design sparked online discussion and won praise among social media users.
年僅23歲的泰國設計師Tin Tunsopon推出名為「打破常規者」的系列制服,對女孩的百摺裙和白色水手衫、以及男生的西裝短褲和白襯衫做更改,變成超浮誇的樣式,宛若禮服一般,還用鞋帶製作超大領子和袖子皺褶。
The 23-old Thai designer Tin Tunsopon, who named his collection ‘Rule Breakers’, aptly modified girls’ pleated skirts and white sailor shirts as well as boys’ suit shorts and white shirts to transform them into flamboyant, dress-like uniforms with oversized collars and ruffled sleeves made from shoelaces.
Asked about the concepts behind his collection, the designer said that these uniforms are meant for ‘modern women’ who are not afraid to express themselves and show confidence.
“The uniforms are a departure from the traditional dress code but still look like uniforms,” he added. With these designs, Tin Tunsopon hopes to encourage young students to let their creativity and imagination run wild.
Since the outbreak of the democratic protest, Thai students have often expressed their rejection of authority through their rebellious outfits and looks.
Even before the current student movement, Thai students marched against strict dress codes in schools, the absolute authority of their teachers, the taboo of sex education and the lack of inclusion of the LGBTQ community, where creatively-modified uniforms were also used to demonstrate their demands.
原文自 《The China Post》
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年僅23歲的泰國設計師Tin Tunsopon推出名為「打破常規者」的系列制服,對女孩的百摺裙和白色水手衫、以及男生的西裝短褲和白襯衫做更改,變成超浮誇的樣式,宛若禮服一般,還用鞋帶製作超大領子和袖子皺褶。
The 23-old Thai designer Tin Tunsopon, who named his collection ‘Rule Breakers’, aptly modified girls’ pleated skirts and white sailor shirts as well as boys’ suit shorts and white shirts to transform them into flamboyant, dress-like uniforms with oversized collars and ruffled sleeves made from shoelaces.
Asked about the concepts behind his collection, the designer said that these uniforms are meant for ‘modern women’ who are not afraid to express themselves and show confidence.
“The uniforms are a departure from the traditional dress code but still look like uniforms,” he added. With these designs, Tin Tunsopon hopes to encourage young students to let their creativity and imagination run wild.
Since the outbreak of the democratic protest, Thai students have often expressed their rejection of authority through their rebellious outfits and looks.
Even before the current student movement, Thai students marched against strict dress codes in schools, the absolute authority of their teachers, the taboo of sex education and the lack of inclusion of the LGBTQ community, where creatively-modified uniforms were also used to demonstrate their demands.
原文自 《The China Post》