Since traveling abroad this summer is no longer an option, many Taiwan residents are striving to find new travel destinations to visit in Taiwan. Here are three #Instaworthy attractions that will wow your mind (and your Instagram followers):
“Dongshan Mr. Brown Avenue” is a golden yellow rice field known as the “Yilan Brown Road” by netizens. The destination earns its name when its rice fields began turning yellow each June.
▲宜蘭伯朗大道|Dongshan Mr. Brown Avenue(Courtesy of IG/@philoschen)▲宜蘭伯朗大道|Dongshan Mr. Brown Avenue(Courtesy of IG/@yuyu__0114)How to get there? | 地址|Address:宜蘭縣冬山鄉三奇村三奉路77號(奉尊宮旁).|No. 77, Sanfeng Road, Dongshan Township, Yilan County, 269
“Dongshan River Ecological Oasis” is an environmentally friendly travel attraction. The park covers an area of roughly 16 hectares and has a broad view of the Dongshan River.
▲冬山河生態綠洲|Dongshan River Ecoark(Courtesy of IG/@lineva0615)此外,生態公園時常舉辦各種大型活動,像是滑龍舟比賽等等,且公園內有自行車道,民眾可以愜意地沿著河岸騎腳踏車,享受微風徐徐地夏日午後時光。生態綠洲同時也是親子假日踏青的好去處!
The destination hosts large-scale activities, such as dragon boating, and even provides you with bicycles to ride along the river shore. The attraction is suitable for families with little children to visit.
▲冬山河畔夕陽|Sunset captured at the Dongshan Riverside. (Courtesy of IG/@ancer14) 其中充滿異國風情的「神秘河道」近年來詢問度爆高,成為最夯網紅景點,6月生態綠洲更首度開放夜間遊船,遊客趨之若騖體驗夜間遊船活動。
If you come to the park, never miss the Instagrammable spot “Mysterious River Channel.” The channel with extraterrestrial atmospheres has become a top popular travel destination in recent years.
What’s more? The ecological park launched the night cruises even in June. The night cruises is the most popular way to relish the beauty of the Dongshan River.
▲神秘河道|Mysterious River Channel(Courtesy of IG/@_lin_002)▲神秘河道|Mysterious River Channel(Courtesy of IG/@princessni0107)How to get there? |地址|Address:宜蘭縣冬山鄉冬山路二段172號|No. 172, Section 2, Dongshan Road, Dongshan Township, Yilan County
Surrounded by mountains and greenery, “Qingshui Geothermal Park” is a wonderful natural attraction to visit. The geothermal heat at the park is a result of nearby natural alkaline springs. The springs at the park are high enough in temperature to cook food (no swimming!).