黑人娛樂電視大獎,英文叫BET Awards,是由BET電視台設立的獎項,頒給非裔美國人在娛樂業中的傑出表現,今年的頒獎典禮因為疫情大多延期,但這個獎今年採取線上頒發方式,大家在家裡畫好妝發表得獎感言,表演也是在家裡的,因此別有一番風味。

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VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Amanda Seales is seen during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)
VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Amanda Seales is seen during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)
主持人是Amanda Seales,據說他是在家裡用一個綠幕做的主持,在沒有現場觀眾給他反應的情況下,仔細想想其實蠻困難的,他的服裝選擇則全部是黑人設計師,這套衣服帶有繽紛色彩和份量感,開衩多了一份輕盈,細想他其實是在家裡的一面綠牆前則多了一份幽默。

VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Chloe x Halle perform during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)
VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Chloe x Halle perform during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)
姊妹組合Chloe X Halle的表演背景充滿一種在家裡的感覺(很可能就是車庫啊),Halle就是即將拍攝的真人版小美人魚主角,當時引起不小的爭論,因為很多人覺得小美人魚不該是黑人,可是美人魚根本是一個神話生物,她有任何顏色的皮膚應該都可以吧。姊妹的服裝我覺得略顯…基本,很像九零年代的女子團體。不過我挺喜歡整體連背景的配色的。

VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Jennifer Hudson performs during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)
VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Jennifer Hudson performs during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)

VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Lizzo is seen during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)
VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Lizzo is seen during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)

VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Beyoncé is seen during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)
VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Beyoncé is seen during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)

VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Naomi Campbell is seen during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)
VARIOUS CITIES – JUNE 28: In this screengrab, Naomi Campbell is seen during the 2020 BET Awards. The 20th annual BET Awards, which aired June 28, 2020, was held virtually due to restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19. (Photo by BET Awards 2020/Getty Images via Getty Images)

