
▲睡美人與哈巴狗岩 (IG: hermioneee.m)
▲睡美人與哈巴狗岩 (IG: hermioneee.m)



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Located just off the coast of Taitung County, Green Island is Taiwan’s seventh-largest island. Also known as “Bonfire Island,” Green Island holds an important history and culture.

As the spread of the pandemic slows down in Taiwan, “island-hopping” adventures have received the green light from Tourism authorities. So, let’s uncover the best diving sites and visit the most Insta-worthy landmarks of Green Island!

「潛」進綠島的水下伸展台 |The underwater realm of the island


A must-do event on Green island is none-other than going diving. However, as some diving spots are easier than others to navigate, it is imperative that ample research is done in order to ensure a flawless diving trip. Located off the Northern part of the island, the Chaikou diving area is the perfect destination for beginners.

With the winds blowing in from the East between June and August, it creates crystal clean waters that showcase the breathtaking views of coral reefs beneath the ocean, easily making it a beloved destination for travelers during their stay.

▲綠島十字架。(圖/IG: melodychoupei)
▲綠島十字架。(圖/IG: melodychoupei)
睡美人、哈巴狗岩和小長城 | “Sleeping Beauty andPekingese Dog Rock” and the “Little Great Wall”


Located on the Eastern part of the island, the “Sleeping Beauty and Pekingese Dog Rock,” are easily recognizable by their unique appearance resulting from coastal erosion.

Legend has it that they were cursed by a witch as a couple for offending the gods and were then turned into rocks, with the Pekingese Dog guarding over the Sleeping Beauty.

If you wish to get a birds-eye view of the beautiful natural scenery, you can take a stroll up the 400m trail of the “Little Great Wall” to a small pavilion, which will give you the best angle to see the two rocks.

Along the way, you can also get a fantastic view of the snow-white beaches along the coast.

▲睡美人與哈巴狗岩 。(圖/IG: hermioneee.m)
▲睡美人與哈巴狗岩 。(圖/IG: hermioneee.m)
柚子湖與彎弓洞 | YouziLake and the Wangong Arch


Youzi Lake is a bay on the coast. To get there, one must take a small bus and walk a short way along a small trail to arrive at the intimate location. Situated on the Northside of the island, Youzi Lake used to be a small fishing village, but as time passed and the villagers moved away, it’s now a ghost town with empty traditional houses made of coral stones.

By taking a 10-minute hike along the trail, you will arrive at the largest sea cave on the island.

Standing beneath the arch, one can hear the roar of the ocean waves and the dripping of water droplets, creating a contrasting melody of nature. If you look out, you can get a magnificent view of the rocks out in the distance and get a glimpse into the true might of nature.

▲柚子湖與彎弓洞。 (圖/交通部觀光局東部海岸國家風景區管理處官網)
▲柚子湖與彎弓洞。 (圖/交通部觀光局東部海岸國家風景區管理處官網)

朝日溫泉 | ZhaoriHotspring

罕見的海底溫泉,朝日溫泉是在「火燒嶼」潮間帶的礁岩間湧出而形成的鹹水溫泉。又稱「旭日溫泉」,這是世界三大海底溫泉的其中一處。在此不僅可以於晨間泡湯欣賞日出(也是其名稱由來),還可以在此煮各種美食料理,夜晚也可以在此處觀賞滿天的星空。這個無臭的硫磺鹽泉溫度約在,位在山與海之間,讓泡溫泉的你可以一邊欣賞遠處的海岸美景, 一邊觀望背後雄偉的山嶺。

The Zhaori Hot Springs is a rare salt-water hot spring that is formed between coral formations. Also known as the “Sunrise” hot spring, it is one of just three known salt-water hot springs in the world.

Here, you can not only enjoy the sunrise in the morning (which is how it got its name), but also cook a variety of gourmet dishes and enjoy star-gazing. This odorless sulfur salt spring is located between the mountains and the sea, allowing you to enjoy the view of the coast in the distance and the majestic mountains behind you.

▲泡溫泉的同時可以一邊欣賞遠處的海岸美景, 一邊觀望背後雄偉的山嶺。(圖/IG: inrong516)
▲泡溫泉的同時可以一邊欣賞遠處的海岸美景, 一邊觀望背後雄偉的山嶺。(圖/IG: inrong516)
綠島燈塔|Green Island Lighthouse


This pure-white lighthouse, known as the “Guardian of Voyagers,” is a must-visit spot. Visits are only allowed once every year. On that day, tourists can climb the 150-step stairs to the top and take in the glorious view of the never-ending ocean and emerald island.

▲綠島燈塔 。(圖/IG: jennylinyuyu)
▲綠島燈塔 。(圖/IG: jennylinyuyu)
原文自 《The China Post

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