【看英文中國郵報學英文】台灣鐵路管理局日前於臉書粉專PO文,Google map標出全臺「鐵道攝影點」,提供攝影愛好者捕捉火車美照的最佳拍攝點,除了告知地點外,還貼心教學如何拍攝。假日還沒想到去哪嗎?繼上次整理的四個最美木造車站,以下介紹另外四個超夯鐵道打卡景點。

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Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) created a list in Google map which shows people how to go to picture-perfect railway stations across Taiwan. What’s more, the google map made by TRA provides tips that will help you improve your photography skills.

Are you still planning where to go this weekend? Aside from the four old-fashioned stations The China Post has introduced, here is the list of another four must-visit stations you shouldn’t miss.

天送埤車站|Tiansongpi Railway Station


Tiansongpi railway station, located in Sanxing Township, Yilan County, was built in 1921. It was on the line of Taipingshan Forest Railway.

As the scene from popular Taiwanese drama series “Autumn’s Concerto,” Tiansongpi, featuring Japanese wooden architecture, has drawn thousands of visitors to take pictures.

▲天送埤車站|Tiansongpi Railway Station(Courtesy of IG:manyauslens)
▲天送埤車站|Tiansongpi Railway Station(Courtesy of IG:manyauslens)
▲天送埤車站|Tiansongpi Railway Station(Courtesy of IG:a7865039)
▲天送埤車站|Tiansongpi Railway Station(Courtesy of IG:a7865039)
崎頂車站|Qiding Railway Station


Between Xiangshan and Zhunan, the Qiding railway station features a flight of stairs, which resembles a scene from the Japanese movie “Your Name.”

▲崎頂車站|Qiding Railway Station (Courtesy of IG: travel.anan)
▲崎頂車站|Qiding Railway Station (Courtesy of IG: travel.anan)

You are required to use EasyCards to enter the station and it’s free to visit the small station. If you walk across the sky bridge, the windmills and sea in the distance will come into view.

▲崎頂車站|Qiding Railway Station (Courtesy of IG: shuyu_travel_photo)
▲崎頂車站|Qiding Railway Station (Courtesy of IG: shuyu_travel_photo)

旗山車站|Cishan Railway Station


Kaohsiung Cishan station, built from 1913 to 1915, is not in use anymore. It was listed as a historical building in Taiwan. The station features a western-style rooftop and Japanese-style interior design. The combination of eastern and western elements makes it look like a house in fairy tales.


The railway has been transformed into a story house, showcasing the steam locomotive heads and cultural relics. It’s one of the best places for family to travel on weekends.

▲旗山車站|Cishan Railway Station (Courtesy of IG: _kheat_)
▲旗山車站|Cishan Railway Station (Courtesy of IG: _kheat_)
竹田車站|Zhutian Railway Station


Built in 1936, the Pingtung Zhutian railway is the last wooden train station on the Pingtung line.

The Japanese-style wooden station has been transformed into a tourist park. With grassland in the front, its grand architecture, the station is one of the tourist hotspots in southern Taiwan.

▲竹田車站|Zhutian Railway Station (Courtesy of IG: hi_xiaoz)
▲竹田車站|Zhutian Railway Station (Courtesy of IG: hi_xiaoz)
原文自 《The China Post