微軟次世代主機 Xbox Series X/S 已與上周全球同步發售,這兩台主機銷售火熱,Xbox 總裁 Phil Spencer 也表示 XSX/S 創造了 Xbox 銷售歷史上的最好首發成績(Xbox One 首日 100 萬台),而根據遊戲銷售統計網站 VGChartz 資料,Xbox Series X/S 首日估計共賣出約 120 到 140 萬台 。
Thank you for supporting the largest launch in Xbox history. In 24 hrs more new consoles sold, in more countries, than ever before. We’re working with retail to resupply as quickly as possible. You continue to show us the connective power of play is more important than ever.