《爐石戰記》大師職業賽選手Blitzchung禁賽事件繼續延燒,如今已經變成遊戲界輿論重視的頭等大事。騰訊佔股比達40%、先前在自家遊戲電商平台Epic Games Store引發多次爭議獨佔遊戲發行事件的Epic Games,在回應外媒The Verge提問時表示:「Epic支持每個人表達政治觀點與人權議題的權利。我們不會因為表達個人意見,而封殺或懲處任何一位《要塞英雄》的選手或內容創作者。」但由於騰訊持股比率高達40%,且Epic在獲取中資後利用資金大打資本戰的明顯行為,讓玩家對該聲明並不買帳。
Epic is a US company and I’m the controlling shareholder. Tencent is an approximately 40% shareholder, and there are many other shareholders including employees and investors.
Please take it up with the Olympic Committee. Fortnite follows the naming standard from the Olympics, which was agreed as a result of diplomacy overcoming disagreements among people in the spirit of supporting a worldwide sporting event.