還記得我們介紹過一隻會站起來討吃吃的灰色胖貓咪布魯諾嗎?牠因為和前主人家中的小孩處不來,於是被棄養到動物收容中心 Wright-Way Rescue。在牠的故事曝光後,原本乏人問津的牠終於找到新家了!新主人在收到確定可以領養的通知時還高興地尖叫了起來,相信往後布魯諾在新主人的用心呵護之下,一定能擁有開心幸福的貓生!一位女子蘿倫在看到布魯諾的故事後,決定要領養牠。她認真準備了許多資料和自我介紹,甚至還請來唸音樂學院的朋友幫忙量身寫了一首歌,表達她有多想領養布魯諾!
圖/Lauren Paris
我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀
My Mom wrote a song about me to make sure she caught the attention of @wrightwayrescue – how extra is that? Don’t worry, she also sent in letters of intent and recommendation, videos of her, my Dad, and my new house, all in addition to the official application. They wanted me for all the right reasons! I met them on Saturday and they showered me and my friends with gifts – that better continue once I get home tomorrow! 😘
Bruno Bartlett(@theebrunobartlett)分享的貼文 於 張貼
圖/Lauren Paris