柯文哲在臉書上表示,「Every vote counts. Every vote matters.」,經過一番激烈纏鬥,新一任美國總統終於出爐,「這或許就是民主政治最迷人之處,每一票都重要珍貴。」柯文哲說,「在此,我要恭賀拜登總統 Joe Biden與賀錦麗副總統Kamala Harris,也祝願美國民主體制,經此一役後更成熟強健。身為臺北市長,我更希望我們能在現有的基礎上繼續深化城市交流、臺美邦誼永固」。
I would like to sincerely congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the 46th elected President and VP-elect of the United States.
As mayor of Taipei City,I look forward to continue engaging with the United States and strengthening the relations between Taiwan and the U.S.
我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀
I would like to sincerely congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the 46th elected President and VP-elect of the United States.
As mayor of Taipei City,I look forward to continue engaging with the United States and strengthening the relations between Taiwan and the U.S.