▲Jada坦言疫情讓大家被迫接受隔離,也讓她飽受抑鬱症所苦。(圖/Jada IG)
▲Jada呼籲大家留意家人朋友,確保他們身心穩定。(圖/Jada IG)
※【NOWnews 今日新聞】提醒您:自殺不能解決問題,勇敢求救並非弱者,生命一定可以找到出路。透過守門123步驟-1問2應3轉介,你我都可以成為自殺防治守門人。※ 安心專線:1925※ 張老師專線:1980※ 生命線專線:1995
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Hey everyone, I hope you’re all safe where you are! Despite the lighthearted selfies, this is a more serious message that you can feel free to skip. I’m so incredibly grateful to be in a position where I’m safe and secure during such an uncertain time. It’s important for me to acknowledge my privilege. Isolation has really taken a toll on my mental health. I’ve had a long history with anxiety and major depression, and I’m currently experiencing a pretty bad relapse, something I thought I had left in the past. I am lucky enough to have access to professional help. I want to use this space to let you all know that if you’re experiencing anything similar, you’re not alone. Mental issues like COVID-19 anxiety are real and valid. There are many good crisis hotlines and websites to turn to if you have access to the internet. I believe in your strength and your ability to get through this. If you’re not experiencing any of this, please check in on your friends and loved ones and make sure they’re doing okay because no one should go through this alone. #mentalhealthmatters
Jada Li(@_jadali_)分享的貼文 於 張貼
※【NOWnews 今日新聞】提醒您:自殺不能解決問題,勇敢求救並非弱者,生命一定可以找到出路。透過守門123步驟-1問2應3轉介,你我都可以成為自殺防治守門人。※ 安心專線:1925※ 張老師專線:1980※ 生命線專線:1995
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