日前那位被譽為美容界的天才、加拿大知名護膚品牌 The Ordinary 母公司 Deciem 的創辦人 Brandon Truaxe 突然辭世,引起外界一片譁然。

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據《華爾街日報》報導,2019年1月20日下午,加拿大警方接到一通電話表示有人墜樓,地點與Brandon Truaxe 的住家吻合,而後續也證實 Brandon Truaxe 從32樓墜落到6樓陽台,當場死亡。事件發生要回到 2018年10月,當時 Brandon Truaxe 使用 Deciem 官方Instagram 帳號發布了一則影片,表示 Deciem 將在未來兩個月停止公司所有事物,聲稱 Deciem 被捲入大型犯罪活動,並點名 LVMH、H&M等大型公司跟此事都脫不了關係。而此舉造成了粉絲們的恐慌,中國消費者甚至透過海外途徑進行囤貨,不過最終此影片成為了鬧劇,Deciem 並未停止營運。

而擁有 Deciem 公司28% 股權的雅詩蘭黛以影響企業形象為由控告Brandon Truaxe,而Brandon Truaxe 因此發了一封威脅郵件給雅詩蘭黛前董事長 Leonard Lauder,此舉也讓法院判定 Truaxe 禁止進入任何 Deciem 的店舖,並將他 CEO 的職位移除。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Antioxidants act like scavengers, seeking out free radicals to balance oxidative stress. While our bodies are expertly designed and offer their own antioxidant system to maintain equilibrium, the application of topical antioxidants is similar to the approach of Suncare - they increase protection and limit the potential for ongoing damage to maintain healthy functioning skin. Please note that we don't recommend using strong antioxidants (all of our antioxidants are strong) in the same routine as copper peptides. Water can impair the stability of any antioxidant - as such, all of our antioxidant formulas are water-free solutions to be applied after water-based serums, before oils and creams. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Alpha Lipoic Acid 5% is a highly potent antioxidant and can restore a renewed skin appearance, improving visible skin texture and tone. 5% is an incredibly high concentration of Alpha Lipoic Acid and as a result, we'd recommend applying this formula no more than 1-2 drops 2 or 3 times weekly. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ EUK 134™ 0.1% or ethylbisiminomethylguaiacol manganese chloride (say that 5 times quickly ?) is a highly potent mimetic of superoxide dismutase and catalase that is particularly unique due to its ability to regenerate itself to offer round-the-clock antioxidant support. EUK 134™ has been shown to improve visible redness and protect against the appearance of UV damage, but it does not play nicely with strong acids as they will completely destroy the EUK 134™. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Pycnogenol ® 5% is a unique and powerful antioxidant made up of a natural plant extract derived from the pine bark of French maritime pine trees. It contains procyanidins, bioflavonoids and organic acids that work synergistically with the aim of enhancing skin hydration and elasticity. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Resveratrol 3% + Ferulic Acid 3% combines very high concentrations these two powerful antioxidants found in plants and plant cells. The aim of this formulation is to help support the skin's defense against oxidative stress caused by environmental factors that contribute to the loss of visible skin quality over time. The benefits of topically applied resveratrol and ferulic acid are continuing and cumulative. ?


從自己創立的品牌到被禁止與自己的品牌接觸,雖說中間有許多爭執,不過相信這對品牌創始人本身是非常大的傷害,不過世人會永遠記得這位改變化妝品歷史的 Brandon Truaxe。

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