不過根據報導指出,康泰纳仕對此表示,虧損來自於美國與英國分公司的內部重組所造成,包括主編的更換、並先後停止了《Self》、《Teen Vogue》、《Brides》、《Golf Digest》和《W》五本雜誌,不斷地篩選並解雇一些被認為不必要的員工,光解雇員工所花費的遣散費用,使員工成本從4,260萬英鎊增加到4,720萬英鎊;而公司内部重组、養老金方案的支出,以及在數位平台上的投資,是公司虧損的主要原因。
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Standout roles included brilliant, conniving ladies in waiting, terrific superheroes, hidden power brokers, avenging cops and more unforgettable portrayals of amazing people from all walks of life, from history to present day, around the world (and even to the moon). - Saoirse Ronan by Tim Walker Styling: @SaraMoonves Hair: @1malcolmedwards Make Up: @lucyjbridge Set: @garycard Text: Lynn Hirschberg Best Performances | W magazine Vol. I, 2019
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Je první, ještě nikdy tu taková nebyla. Je o svobodě, lásce a taky o nás. O Československu. Obálka nebo naše #covergirl? — This is the first one. It is about freedom, love and also about us. About Czechoslovakia. Is it the cover or is it our #covergirl? #whosthatgirl?! #prvnivydani #svobodaalaska #voguecs #24edice #VogueCovers #SeptemberVogueCovers — (Photo: @branislavsimoncik, art direction & set design: @kadurielyashar, styling: @albamelendo, make-up: @hristinageorgievska, hair: @mirka_hajdova)
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Podsumowujemy 2018 ? Nasi Klienci obecni są niemal w każdym wydaniu magazynu VOGUE ? ????✨ #thisishowwedoit #prlovin #newiscoming
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