如果要說當今時尚圈最會炒作話題的人,現任Louis Vuittons男裝創意總監Virgil Abloh絕對是其中之一,因為他總是很清楚以什麼樣的方式曝光,能夠帶來足夠的話題性與關注。日前在接受《Interview Magazine》的採訪中,Virgil Abloh也透露在Louis Vuitton的下一季設計,將以傳奇的流行天王「麥可傑克森」作為靈感。
Virgil Abloh在上任Louis Vuitton後的男裝首秀,就已經引起了不小的話題,而這次又拋出了下一季將以「麥可傑克森」作為致敬的對象,會將這位流行天王的音樂元素,融入在下一季男裝系列;此消息一出,又再度引起關注。
早在Virgil Abloh自有品牌Off-White的2018春夏系列中,就曾經向黛安娜王妃“致敬”,將王妃較少受到世人關注的私底下穿搭作為靈感發想,並且在推出後也帶來廣大迴響;不曉得接下來以這位不論是在音樂、舞蹈,甚至服裝造型,都極具個人風格魅力的「麥可傑克森」作為下個系列主題,會再度帶來什麼樣的驚喜與話題,就讓我們拭目以待。
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#LVMenSS19 by @VirgilAbloh The finale from the Men’s Spring-Summer 2019 Fashion Show by @LouisVuitton’s new men’s artistic director Virgil Abloh. Watch the Spring-Summer 2019 Men’s Show replay now on Instagram Stories and at louisvuitton.com.
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“His music is so important because it’s about love and it makes us feel free to dance.” - Jin Hailiang
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This week in 1995, “Scream” emerged at #3 on the British charts and would remain in the top 100 for 24 weeks. Jimmy Jam remembers: “Recording the song was probably one of the most mind-blowing experiences ever. He walked into the studio, very nice and very kind: ‘OK, I'm going to try my part now. . . .’ So Michael goes in and the moment the music starts, he turns into the Tasmanian Devil. He's a whole different person, stomping, clapping, he's got jewelry jingling — all the stuff you're not supposed to do in the studio. Me and Terry are sitting there going ‘Oh my God!’” #michaeljackson #kingofpop
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On October 11, 1997, Michael was made an honorary member of the Bafokeng Ka Bakwena (People of the Crocodile) tribe in South Africa. Reportedly, on the way to the ceremony, Michael and his party saw two men fighting and covered in blood on the side of the road. Michael stopped the car, got out, and approached the two men to ask them why they were fighting. The two surprised men stopped fighting immediately.
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ss18 women's Off-White™ runway show titled "Natural Woman" ~ full looks and review on @voguerunway ~ link in bio
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