我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀
I will be signing our very large and comprehensive Phase One Trade Deal with China on January 15. The ceremony will take place at the White House. High level representatives of China will be present. At a later date I will be going to Beijing where talks will begin on Phase Two!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 31, 2019
川普在推文內指出,即將簽署的第一階段美中貿易協議是非常大( very large )與全面( comprehensive )。據《南華早報》報導,中方將派出中國國務院副總理劉鶴率領代表團前往華府,與美國簽署第一階段貿易協議。
中國外交部在 31 日的例行記者會上,被問到「能否透露中美雙方將何時簽署第一階段經貿協議?昨天有報道稱,中方代表團可能於本周前往華盛頓並將於周六同美方簽署協議。這是否屬實?」當時外交部發言人耿爽並未直接回應,只說「關於這個問題,建議你向商務部詢問。」