立院大亂鬥!美國議員點名:賴清德上任 民進黨激進份子反對改革

記者何哲欣/台北報導-2024-05-21 10:54:33
總統賴清德昨宣誓就職,立法院上周五為了國會改革法案,朝野立委打群架,還有立委送醫,國外媒體都爭相報導,藍綠立委互控對方,害台灣丟臉丟到國外。不過美國國會眾議員、現任「美國國會及行政當局中國委員會」主席史密斯(Chris Smith)明確點名,民進黨立委阻撓台灣的國會改革。

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US Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), Chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China and senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement on the inauguration of Taiwan’s new president and vice president:

 “Congratulations to William Lai and Bi-khim Hsiao on their inauguration as President and Vice President of the Republic of China (Taiwan)—a vibrant democracy that stands in stark contrast to the tyranny of Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

President Lai’s rise from the son of a coal miner to leadership of a nation of over 23 million people serves as a great example of grit, determination, and opportunity—far from Xi Jinping’s pampered upbringing and a rigged system set for the son of a party boss.

Vice President Hsiao—who I know as Taiwan’s former de facto ambassador to the United States—is a foreign relations expert whose understanding of America will be of great assistance to President Lai as he navigates the threat from across the Taiwan Strait. 

One of the first challenges President Lai may need to overcome is disruption from hardcore members of his own Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in the Legislative Yuan who oppose stronger checks and balances reforms that the DPP once favored and are the hallmark of a mature and thriving democracy.

Additionally, President Lai and Defense Chief Wellington Koo should work to strengthen the capability and morale of Taiwan’s armed services given the dire threat from Communist China. The United States and the American people send our support as you embark on this journey.”

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