事實上,這些墓碑創作上,最早是源於當地木匠Stan Ioan Patras,他用橡樹建造十字架和墓碑,並開始將眾人們講述關於逝者的故事一句句刻在板子上,直到他過世後則由徒弟Dumitru Pop接手這項事業。以下這首著名的打油詩更是他聽了某位岳母剛過世的村民所說,特別替他刻下的墓誌銘。
這沉重的十字架下 沉睡的是我可憐的岳母 哪怕再讓她多活三天 躺下的會是我,讀墓誌銘的則是她!
經過此地的人啊 請盡量不要吵醒她 因為她若再回到家裡 定會加倍臭罵我一頓 吾將盡我所能
將她留在這裡 安息吧,我的岳母
Under this heavy cross Lies my poor mother-in-law Three more days should she have lived I would lie, and she would read.
You, who here are passing by Not to wake her up please try Cause' if she comes back home She'll scold me more. But I will surely behave So she'll not return from grave. Stay here, my dear mother-in-law!