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Greenberg, L. S., & Johnson, S. M. (1988). Emotionally focused therapy for couples. Guilford Press.
Johnson, S. M., Hunsley, J., Greenberg, L., & Schindler, D. (1999). Emotionally focused couples therapy: Status and challenges. Clinical psychology: Science and practice, 6(1), 67-79.
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Sue Johnson博士的Emotionally Focused Therapy與Greenberg博士的Emotion Focused Therapy雖師出同門,其實仍有不同,本文主要聚焦的是在前者,有興趣的朋友可以參考劉婷老師的文章。看完這個教學影片,我也覺得很感動,回家還抱著我女朋友大哭了一場。內心好像有一塊硬硬的部分被觸動了。如果你也對這個方法有興趣,歡迎到亞洲EFT這裡預購