【看CP學英文】一件不起眼的「物品」,或許能勾起我們藏封許久的回憶,而這些回憶可能是酸、甜、苦、辣。無論如何,這些記憶都成為我們人生中不可抹滅的一體。 An inconspicuous item may evoke memories that we may not realize have been kept hidden in our hearts for some time. Be it good or bad, those memories have become an inseperable part of our lives.
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駁二椅子樂譜 |Chair Score
若要用一件物品代表國小,你會選擇什麼呢?相信許多人腦中浮現的第一個物品會是用立可白刻滿字跡的「木製課桌椅」吧!那麼,你一定會非常喜歡位在駁二中的裝置藝術「椅子樂譜」。 The wooden desks and chairs inscribed with words written by liquid correction fluid, (“WiteOut”) are what many people recall from their days as elementary students.
If this is the case, then you will definitely find the installation in Dayi Warehouses, at the Pier-2 Art Center very nostalgic.
Made from 1,032 wooden chairs, the installation “Chair Score” resembles a labyrinth of musical scores.
In the middle of the installation sits a white wooden chair. Upon sitting on the chair, your time travel trip may begin.
With sunshine sifting through the gaps of the wooden chairs, the art piece gives off a serene ambience, which is rather alluring.
椅子樂譜四周皆是大樹,外觀繽紛獨特,相當懷舊復古。作者顏名宏收集高雄多所學校的報廢座椅,打造出這壯觀的作品。椅子樂譜象徵「記憶的過去」,而一旁老樹則是「自然的存在」,與藍天白雲進行一場記憶與生命的對話,合為一體。 Surrounded by tall trees, the colorful and unique design of the “Chair Score” makes it a feast for the eyes.
The masterpiece is created by artist, Yen Ming-hung (顏名宏), who collected many used chairs and desks from schools in Kaohsiung.
The art piece itself symbolizes “past memories” while the trees are the embodiment of “nature.”
Together, the installation along with its surroundings and blue sky engage viewers into a dialogue on a spiritual level.
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地址|How to get there :高雄市鹽埕區公園二路13-24號|No. 13-24, Gongyuan 2nd Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City | 電話|Phone: 07-521-4899