
▲42張菜牌上印有精美的辦桌菜餚 | 42 cards features illustrations of various dishes. (Courtesy of Yes Ginseng/zec zec)
姊妹淘-2021-04-08 14:08:43

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Taiwan banquet culture has been passed down for many years and is the cultural scene that best represents Taiwan’s culinary culture.

“Yes Ginseng,” a Taiwan-based board game design team, has recently launched a board game “The Grand Banquet“, which not only allows families to have fun together but also allows everyone to understand the story and charm of banquet culture.

「報菜名」桌遊靈感來自19世紀一款經典的歐洲卡牌遊戲,在英國叫「Happy families」,在法國叫 「Jeu des 7 familles」。

“The Grand Banquet” was inspired by a classic 19th-century European card game called “Happy families” in England and “Jeu des 7 familles” in France.


The games feature various cultural themes, which are suitable for families to kill time and at the same time provide people with a deeper understanding of culture.

▲42張菜牌上印有精美的辦桌菜餚 | 42 cards feature illustrations of various dishes. (Courtesy of Yes Ginseng/zec zec)

“Yes Ginseng” has adapted this classic board game to incorporate Taiwanese banquet culture with 42 cards featuring illustrations of various dishes.

Each card has “Chinese pinyin” on it so that foreign players can join in the fun.

▲42張菜牌上印有精美的辦桌菜餚 | 42 cards features illustrations of various dishes. (Courtesy of Yes Ginseng/zec zec)

Through the board game, players can also learn more about the cultural characteristics of banquets, including the high-class “restaurant dishes” for officials, the “dowry dishes” for the daughters of rich families, the “asher dishes” for the rich, “nagashi” of the restaurant after-party, as well as “packing up leftovers.”


Also, there are six other functional cards such as “Chicken Head”, “ChickenFeet“, and “Fate of the Nagashi”, which not only add to the fun but also allow people to understand the fascinating stories behind the banquet culture.

▲除了上述卡牌之外,還有「雞頭」、「雞爪」、「命運的那卡西」等6種功能牌 | There are six other functional cards with each featuring unique banquet culture. (Courtesy of Yes Ginseng/zec zec)

To let players enjoy this board game more fully, “The Grand Banquet” comes with a book that introduces the interesting culture and the culinary dishes in the game.

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The book tells stories in both Chinese and English so that overseas players can quickly dive into Taiwanese roadside banquet culture.

▲「報菜名」桌遊組內附贈一本書冊 | “The Grand Banquet” comes with a book that introduces the interesting culture and the culinary dishes in the game. (Courtesy of Yes Ginseng/zec zec)
原文自《The China Post

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