
▲Przemek 再推出一系列過去在台北捕捉的絕美夕照 | The artist recently released another series of beautiful sunset photos captured in Taipei. (Courtesy of Przemek Krawczykowski)
姊妹淘-2021-03-12 23:56:58
【看CP學英文】波蘭攝影師Przemek Krawczykowski去年在網路上發表一系列「夜間漫步台北城」(Taipei Nightwalk)照片合輯,獨特取景引起許多台灣網友關注。近日,Przemek再推出一系列過去在台北捕捉的絕美夕照,並向The China Post透露即將推出的攝影相冊計畫。

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Polish photographer Przemek Krawczykowski last year released a series of “Taipei Nightwalk” photos online last year, which drew much attention from the Taiwanese for their unique angles.

The artist recently released another series of beautiful sunset photos captured in Taipei and revealed to The China Post about the upcoming photo album project.


In 2017, Przemek decided to take a three-month trip to Taiwan to discover what he loved and what was important in his life.

As a professional photographer, he returned to Poland and reminisced about Taiwan’s beauty while organizing his photos, and then shared his works on the creative work sharing platform Behance.

▲Przemek再推出一系列過去在台北捕捉的絕美夕照 | The artist recently released another series of beautiful sunset photos captured in Taipei. (Courtesy of Przemek Krawczykowski)
接受The China Post訪問時, Przemek 分享道,這一系列夕照攝於象山、圓山飯店、指南宮,那時他幸運地抓住每日僅維持數分鐘的「黃金時刻」,當太陽落在相當低的位置,他立馬按下快門拍下金黃灑落城市的那一刻。

In an interview with The China Post, Przemek shared that the series of sunset photos were taken at the Xiangshan, Chih Nan Temple and the Grand Hotel, where he was lucky enough to capture the “golden hour” that lasts only a few minutes each day.

He said that when the sun set to a very low point and he pressed the shutter to capture the moment when the golden sunlight fell on the city.

▲Przemek再推出一系列過去在台北捕捉的絕美夕照 | The artist recently released another series of beautiful sunset photos captured in Taipei. (Courtesy of Przemek Krawczykowski)

When it comes to the best place to take sunset photos in Taipei, he especially recommends the Yuanshan Hotel because “here you can capture the plane flying over the city.”

▲Przemek再推出一系列過去在台北捕捉的絕美夕照 | The artist recently released another series of beautiful sunset photos captured in Taipei. (Courtesy of Przemek Krawczykowski)
值得一提的是, 其中幾張照片Przemek使用Photoshop編輯,營造出「賽博龐克」 (cyberpunk) 風格。他坦言,雖然照片經過編輯,但要做出這樣的特效還是配合天時地利,包括天氣、拍攝地都是影響成效關鍵。

It’s worth noticing that some of Przemek’s photos were edited in Photoshop to create a “cyberpunk” style.

He revealed that although the photos are edited, it’s not easy to add such effects because they must be under perfect conditions.

The weather, places are the key to affect the effectiveness, he added.

▲其中幾張照片Przemek使用Photoshop編輯,營造出「賽博龐克」 (cyberpunk) 風格。| Some of Przemek’s photos were edited in Photoshop to create a “cyberpunk” style. (Courtesy of Przemek Krawczykowski)
「在我的家鄉波蘭,或是其他歐洲城市都沒辦法做出類似效果的照片,」 Przemek說道,「在台北、香港拍出來的照片更好!」

“Unfortunately, I can’t create such a shot in Warsaw or any other European city,” he said, “Taipei or Hong Kong is way better!”

▲Przemek再推出一系列過去在台北捕捉的絕美夕照 | The artist recently released another series of beautiful sunset photos captured in Taipei. (Courtesy of Przemek Krawczykowski)
最後, Przemek 獨家向The China Post透露,他目前正在籌備整理照片,預計將把「台灣攝影系列」印出,並於線上平台正式販售。

The artist told The China Post that he is currently preparing to organize his photos taken in Taiwan and expects to print them out.

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Przemek’s photo series will be available online soon.

原文自《The China Post

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