
姊妹淘-2021-02-04 01:11:38
▲(Courtesy of Yi-Hsien Lee 李易暹)
【看CP學英文】雲林虎尾空軍眷村「建國一村」有兩座建於 1943 年二戰期間所建造的軍事碉堡,至今約有 80 年的歷史。台灣設計團隊力口建築結合多媒體以及VR虛擬實境,將防空洞改造成天幕電影院,讓現代人透過科技體驗過去戰火威脅下的恐懼。

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A military dependents’ village located in Huwei, Yunlin features two military bunkers built-in 1943 during World War II. Taiwan’s design team Studio APL (力口建築) has incorporated multimedia and VR virtual reality to transform two air-raid shelters into a sky theater and gallery, allowing visitors to learn about the horrors of war.


Studio APL and tai-yi associates worked together to repair the air-raid shelters, clean up the air vents, and let the sunlight in.

Under the project, called “hidden escape,” the military bunkers are now aimed at inviting people to re-experience the threats of war and to commemorate the soldiers who fought and lost their lives through virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR).

▲The mixed reality room in the larger air-raid shelter (Courtesy of Yi-Hsien Lee 李易暹)
▲Virtual reality area (Courtesy of Yi-Hsien Lee 李易暹)
▲Skylight detail in the larger air-raid shelter (Courtesy of Yi-Hsien Lee 李易暹)

The design team extended the spatiality of the shelter by integrating a temporary tent as an information desk.

The misting system also reduces the heat outside the bunkers, allowing the artists’ installations to connect with the outdoor wooded landscape.


In addition, the hole once cut out of the sidewall of the small air defense bunker is filled in to extend the view to the ground level.

The filled hole represents the hidden mound, showing the transformation of the bunker mound and modern art.

▲The repaired wall of a small air-raid shelter (Courtesy of Yi-Hsien Lee 李易暹)
室內入口處保留通道以呈現通透感,讓人意識到防空洞的主體存在。將大碉堡其中兩個 空間作為 VR 空間及 MR 空間。

The interior entrance retains a passageway to present a sense of permeability, making people aware of the shelter’s main structure.

The larger shelter is now a media gallery divided into an area for virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR).

VR 體驗區讓人們以虛擬實境的方式進入到二戰時期使用摩斯密碼進行通訊設備。

In the VR room, visitors are brought back to world war II to send morse code by waving their hands.

▲Display area (Courtesy of Yi-Hsien Lee 李易暹)
然而 MR 空間讓人們席地倚坐在兩側,將動畫投射在拱型天花板,碉堡既有的建築形態成為新的影像平台,讓觀眾有虛擬和真實兩種模式的感官體驗。

As for the MR area, visitors can sit against the wall and immerse themselves in the past, thanks to images projected across the ceiling of the bunker.


The smaller air-raid shelter retains its original structure, emphasizing the contrast between the basic function during wartime and the reborn design.

▲Exhibition room in the small air-raid shelter (Courtesy of Yi-Hsien Lee 李易暹)
▲The passageway (Courtesy of Yi-Hsien Lee 李易暹)

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Outside the bunkers, a circular array invites people to step inside the unassuming entrance. Also, a laser-cut plaque at the entrance serves as an introduction to the immersive experience that lies inside. When visitors are tired, they can sit on the curved bench and reflect on what they learn and experience in the historic military site.

▲A circular array of paving leads people inside the bunker (Courtesy of Yi-Hsien Lee 李易暹)
原文自《The China Post

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