貓咪嫵媚姿勢一夕爆紅 老外驚呼:台灣最萌吉祥物

▲Social media users pointed out the cat’s resemblance to Taiwan. (Photo courtesy of @bakuding/Twitter)
姊妹淘-2020-12-08 01:14:48

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With the recent picture of the “Taiwanese Boba Dog” making rounds online, foreigners have been keeping an eye out for more adorable animals in Taiwan.


A lounging cat, for instance, has become the new “mascot of Taiwan” as a social media user noticed its resemblance to the shape of Taiwan’s main island.

▲Social media users pointed out the cat’s resemblance to Taiwan. (Photo courtesy of @bakuding/Twitter)

According to a tweet posted by @bakuding, after sending a picture of his sassy cat to his friend, he immediately received a response, pointing out that the cat had somehow configured itself into the shape of Taiwan!

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Many replied underneath praising the adorable cat with one commenting, “Kaohsiung is the butt of Taiwan.”另一位網友留言表示高雄是他的家鄉,似乎暗指這樣的比對似乎有損於高雄。Another social media user jokingly replied that it (Kaohsiung) was their hometown, seemingly expressing disappointment at the comparison.其他人也幫貓咪說話,表示其實不是貓咪像台灣,應該要表示「台灣形狀如貓咪」才對。Others also stood up for the cat and implied that the cat is not mimicking Taiwan’s shape and rather that Taiwan is an island shaped like a cat.不論大家怎麼爭論,不變的是大家對於貓咪萌翻程度一致的認同。No matter the interpretation, what everyone seemed to be in agreement on was the adorableness of the unsuspecting cat.原文自《The China Post

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