When it comes to Taipei’s Maokong, the first thing that comes to your mind may be taking a gondola ride and sampling some tea.
There are many other natural attractions in the Maokong area though, including Potholes suspension bridge, Zhangshu trail, Zhangshan temple and Mingde temple’s lookout, making it the best weekend getaway destination.
You can take a ride on the Gondola to Maokong, stroll along the ” Zhangshu trail” and take #Instaworthy photos in front of the lake. What’s more? Every year, between February and March, pink and purple lupine flowers are in full blossom.There are also art installations along the rural road that is perfect for a family trip. The nearby “YinheCave” is a must-see.
經過多次整修的「水土保持園區」則是可以站在茶園木棧階梯步道上拍出夢幻照片。After years of renovations, the “MaokongSoil and Water Conservation Park” is a place where you can take stunning photos from the staired walkway among the tea plantation.而天然形成的壺穴造景「壺穴步道」,一個又一個漩渦狀的坑洞,讓人拍出意想不到的美照,在盡頭的「壺穴吊橋」更是來到貓空一定要拍的隱藏版秘境,彷彿在叢林般的冒險感,讓都市網美們拍到不想走。The naturally formed “pothole trail,” features many of the quirky shaped potholes, making it a perfect photo-op spot. At the end of the trail, there is a “Pothole Suspension Bridge” where you feel like wandering in the jungle.到了夜晚就一定要看一場百萬夜景秀,不論是在「樟山寺」還是較為隱密的「望遠亭」,都可以將大台北夜景一覽無遺。At night, you can also enjoy the night view at the “Zhangshan Temple” or the perfect lookout at Mingde temple which offers panoramic views of Greater Taipei.