
▲最美金字塔_縣民公園|Min Park(Courtesy of Pingtung County Government)
姊妹淘-2020-09-19 02:07:11

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A Pingtung’s tourism video, titled “where?”, became a viral hit earlier this year. The video showcased the world-class scenery of Taiwan’s southernmost part, with colorful images that will make you feel like you are on vacation abroad and exclaim: “Is this Pingtung?”

▲最美火車_藍皮火車|Blue commuter train(Courtesy of Pingtung County Government)

The film recently won the Silver Award in the travel category of the Summit Creative Awards (SCA), letting the world see the beauty of Pingtung.

▲最美田徑場_屏東公園|Pingtung County Stadium(Courtesy of Pingtung County Government)
美國高峰創意大獎(Summit Creative Award)從1994年舉辦至今,26年來激盪全球創意,今年有27國參加,13個項目共4100多件參賽作品。

Since its inception in 1994, the Summit Creative Award has stimulated creativity around the world. This year, there were more than 4,100 entries in 13 categories from 27 countries.

▲最美教堂_法蒂瑪|Lady of Fatima Parish Church(Courtesy of Pingtung County Government)

Following the Special Award at the International Tourism Film Festival in Portugal and the Best East Asia Tourism Film Award at the Japan World’s Tourism Film Festival, this is the third time that the Pingtung’s tourism video has received international recognition.

▲最美草原_水蛙窟|Shuiwaku(Courtesy of Pingtung County Government)
▲最美金字塔_縣民公園|Min Park(Courtesy of Pingtung County Government)
由瑪爾克電影有限公司(MARQ FILMS)操刀製作的宣傳影片以舞蹈串接屏東八大IG打卡景點,場景包括天主教佳平法蒂瑪聖母堂、2019台灣燈會山海昇平燈飾、國立屏東大學游泳池暨體適能館、墾丁國家公園水蛙窟、牡丹鄉高士神社、屏東職人町、南迴線藍皮火車、屏東縣立田徑場海洋風看台。

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The promotional video produced by MARQ FILMS features eight IG hotspots in Pingtung including the Lady of Fatima Parish Church, the 2019 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Pingtung, the swimming pool at the National Pingtung University, Shuiwaku, Gaoshi Shrine, Craftsman Residential District, Blue commuter train, Pingtung County Stadium.

▲最美神社_高市神社|Gaoshi Shrine (Courtesy of Pingtung County Government)
原文自 《The China Post

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