▲全台首間以紫檀樹木為中心的星巴克|Jiali Starbucks is first of its kind in Taiwan to be centered on rosewood trees and surrounded by greenery outdoors. (Courtesy of Starbucks)
Are you tired of going to the same place every time you go to Tainan? Check out the newly opened Starbucks in Jiali District!
The building is the first of its kind in Taiwan to be centered on rosewood trees and surrounded by greenery outdoors, while the exterior is clad in white steel walls. The photos of the new Starbuck have taken the internet by storm since its grand opening on May 10.
▲全台首間以紫檀樹木為中心的星巴克|The building is the first of its kind in Taiwan to be centered on rosewood trees. (Courtesy of Starbucks)位在佳里往七股的主要幹道上,佳里門市獨棟兩層樓的設計,提供超過100席的座位,讓來往旅客或是特別走訪的顧客們,提供一個品嘗咖啡文化與自然共生的獨特體驗。
Located on the arterial road running from Jiali to Qigu, the two-story store offers more than 100 seats for visitors and tourists to rest and enjoy coffee in a greenery coffee house.
▲星巴克佳里門市5月10日一開幕即造成轟動。|Jiali Starbucks has been one of the most popular spots since its grand opening on May 10. (Courtesy of Starbucks)▲台南佳里門市提供一個品嘗咖啡文化與自然共生的獨特體驗。|The two-story store offers more than 100 seats for visitors and tourists to rest and enjoy coffee aroma in the greenery coffee house.(Courtesy of Starbucks) 走入室內,門市的特色牆面,以挑高設計,其設計靈感來自在地的七股鹽山,將鹽山美麗的夕陽晚霞融入壁面創作。
Walking into the store, you will see the patined walls inspired by the sunset view of the Qigu salt mountain.
▲走入室內,門市的特色牆面,以挑高設計,其設計靈感來自在地的七股鹽山,將鹽山美麗的夕陽晚霞融入壁面創作。| Walking into the interior, you will see the patined walls inspired by the sunset view of the Qigu salt mountain.(Courtesy of Starbucks)佳里門市為南部首間導入現烤專案之門市,來到這裡,一邊品嚐現烤麵包,一邊啜飲著香濃咖啡感受自然氛圍,相當享受。這間特色星巴克絕對可以列入遊台南必朝聖景點名單。
Jiali Starbucks is the first branch in the south to introduce freshly baked bread. You can enjoy the natural atmosphere while sipping a cup of coffee and enjoying some fresh delights.
The new Starbucks is definitely on the list of must-see destinations in Tainan.
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▲台南佳里門市提供一個品嘗咖啡文化與自然共生的獨特體驗。|The two-story store offers more than 100 seats for visitors and tourists to rest and enjoy coffee aroma in the greenery coffee house.(Courtesy of Starbucks)門市地址:72200台南市佳里區新生東路1號 | Address : No. 1, Xinsheng E. Rd., Jiali Dist., Tainan City 722, Taiwan