避開人擠人!不可不知的大自然打卡聖地 盤點台灣最美8大夢幻湖泊

姊妹淘-2020-04-09 00:11:59

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新店濛濛湖戀愛聖地 | Mengmeng Lake


Situated in the Xindian District, New Taipei city, Mengmeng Lake became a picture-perfect spot in the greater Taipei area. In the 1960s, Mengmeng valley is known as a dating spot for couples in Taipei. However, After the dam was built, the valley has been filled with water, forming a lake.

17歲的少女之湖 – 松蘿湖 | Songluo Lake

▲17歲的少女之湖 – 松蘿湖。(圖/網友niymountain提供)

Located in Datong Township, Yilan County, Songluo Lake, standing at 1,300 meters, is part of the Xueshan Range. Surrounded by the mountains, the lake with fog over the water seems like a shy 17-year-old teenage girl. That’s why the beautiful swampy lake is also known as “17-year-old teenage girl.”
The trail length is 13 kilometers and the round trip takes about 7 hours. Most of the hikers would spend 2 days 1 night and camp by the beautiful lake.

散落的珍珠 – 加羅湖 | Chia-Lo Lake

▲散落的珍珠 – 加羅湖。(圖/網友small_tiger9478提供)

Chia-Lo Lake, standing at 2,242 meters, is situated at the Central Mountain Range. The length of the trail is 17 kilometers. If you plan on visiting the lake, it’s better to spend two days one night on the trip.
Legend has it that when a fairy was dressing up, she accidentally broke the mirror, and shattered mirrors pieces were spread all over mountains in Yilan. The pieces formed a beautiful high-mountain lake.

如夢似幻的湖泊 – 夢湖 | Meng Lake

▲如夢似幻的湖泊 – 夢湖。(圖/網友wynnchang提供)

Meng lake in the Xizhi district, New Taipei City is one of the most instagrammable spots in Taipei. Meng lake, standing at 325 meters above the sea level, often gets foggy in the winter afternoon, creating a dream-like landscape.
You can stroll around the lake and go for the hiking trail beside the lake. The round trail takes about 80 minutes to hike.

全台最大高山湖泊 – 翠峰湖|Cueifong Lake

▲全台最大高山湖泊 – 翠峰湖。(圖/林務局羅東林管處提供)

Situated between Taipingshan and Dayuanshan at 1,840 meters above sea level, Cueifong Lake is the biggest alpine lake in Taiwan. To witness this magical phenomenon, one can take a leisure walk on the Cueifong Lake mountain trail surrounded by tall oaks and hike to the viewing platform at the 800-meter point.

天使的眼淚 – 嘉明湖|Jiaming Lake

▲天使的眼淚 – 嘉明湖。(圖/台中虎哥提供)

Located at 3,310 meters above sea level in Hairui Township, Taitung County, Jiaming Lake is the second-highest mountain lake in Taiwan.
As Jiaming Lake is 26 kilometers in length, it’s recommended to arrange a four-day trip there for sufficient time and do physical training and adequate preparations before visiting this beautiful lake.

新店三大最美湖泊 – 燕子湖 | Swallow Lake

▲新店三大最美湖泊 – 燕子湖。(圖/網友sunnygarden_tw提供)

The Swallow Lake, the Meihua Lake and Mengmeng Lake in Xindian District, New Taipei City, is also known as the three major lakes of Xindian. Swallow Lake is an artificial lake with beautiful scenery and is a frequented by swallows, hence its name.

新店三大最美湖泊 – 梅花湖 | Meihua Lake

▲新店三大最美湖泊 – 梅花湖。(圖/網友kas_pgy提供)

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Surrounded by mountains, Meihua Lake, covering 20 hectares, is a natural storage reservoir. From the bird-eyes’ view, the lake is in a five-petal flower shape. That’s why it is named “Meihua Lake,” which means a plum flower.
You can either bike around the lake, or take a ferry tour enjoying the scenery. A ferry ticket is priced at NT$50 per person.
What’s more? You can cross a bridge on the east side of the lake to go to the small floating island at the center.

原文自 《NOWnews 懶人包

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