全台最長雙龍七彩吊橋 四月開放搶先看!

▲七彩雙龍吊橋|Shuanglong rainbow suspension bridge(Courtesy of Nantou County Government)
姊妹淘-2020-03-18 23:31:02

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Shuanglong rainbow suspension bridge in Xinyi Township, Nantou County, will open to the public in April, according to local media.

It is the most exciting experience to cross the bridge overlooking the Shuanglong (Double Dragon) waterfalls — one of the most breathtaking scenic spots in the mountains in central Taiwan.


The suspension bridge is 342 meters in length and 110 meters in depth, equivalent to 30 stories high. After the bridge opened to the public, it will become the deepest and longest bridge in Taiwan.

▲七彩雙龍吊橋|Shuanglong rainbow suspension bridge(Courtesy of Nantou County Government)


The rainbow bridge features a flight of stairs with 420 steps and seven colors. If you look at the bridge afar, the bridge looks like a rainbow in the mountain valley.


After it opens in April, the ticket will go on sale online and visitors are required to show the receipt to take the shuttle bus. The number of daily visitors is limited to 1,500. The bridge will close every Monday.

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地址:南投縣信義鄉光復巷雙龍瀑布水源吊橋|No. 556, Guangfu Ln., Xinyi Township, Nantou County 556, Taiwan

原文自 《The China Post

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