記錄真實台灣!維力炸醬麵、蛋餅、小紅人 都在「臺灣郵票」裡

▲臺灣日常縫隙計畫|The project, “Taiwan Daily” was launched by JUPE Design (Courtesy of JUPE Design)
姊妹淘-2020-03-17 22:19:40
【看英文中國郵報學英文】由設計師魏心如、江佩容組成的平面設計團隊JUPE Design,取材自臺灣印象,將常見的食物、道路街景、傳統物件,繪製成一系列郵票組—「臺灣日常縫隙」。

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JUPE Design, a graphic design studio consisting of two designers — Wei Hsin-ju and Jiang Pei-rong —created a series of postage stamps, named “Taiwan Daily” each containing a series of impressions of Taiwan, including food, street scenes and traditional objects.

郵票主題以臺灣日常為主軸,包括自然景觀、傳統小物、美食等等應有盡有。 小小一張郵票印有— 石梯坪、塑膠紅色椅子、香蕉、早餐店的蛋餅、小黑(台灣土狗)、交通號誌小紅人、維力炸醬麵、南下時沿途的鐵路風景、台啤 — 承載著臺灣日常的溫度。

The postage stamps, themed on Taiwan’s daily life, feature a variety of images ranging from landscapes to traditional objects and local cuisine. Highlights include “Shitiping” in Taitung, the red plastic chair, local bananas, Taiwanese omelet, Taiwan black dog, the little red traffic light man, Wei Lih Men instant noodles, the southbound railway scenery, Taiwan beer and more.

▲蛋餅|Chinese omelette (Courtesy of JUPE Design)
▲臺灣啤酒|Taiwan Beer (Courtesy of JUPE Design)
▲維力炸醬麵|Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien instant noodles(Courtesy of JUPE Design)


When you walk through the streets in Taiwan, the design and glaring colors of the shop signs catch people’s attention. With this observation in mind, the designers used vivid and contrasting colors often seen in Taiwan’s streets to create a one-of-a-kind series of stamps.

▲臺灣自然風景|Taiwan’s nature scenery (Courtesy of JUPE Design)

As one of the most-used background colors, fuchsia color can best represent authentic Taiwan’s daily life and tradition. “What JUPE is trying to capture is the touching moments of everyday life, an introduction of the studio reads.

▲臺灣傳統文化常出現的桃紅色為這次主要配色之一 | fuchsia color can best represent authentic Taiwan’s daily life and tradition. (Courtesy of JUPE Design)

If you slow down your pace and observe, you will find ordinary things very interesting. JUPE aims to make people appreciate the beauty of everyday lives.

看更多JUPE Design相關作品|See more works designed by JUPE

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原文自 《The China Post

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