熊熊見三角錐倒路邊「順手扶正」 網驚:好有公德心!

陳珮瑜-2020-07-01 20:00:41

我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀

熊熊見三角錐倒路邊「順手扶正」 網驚:好有公德心!
野生動物攝影師麥可Michael Mauro經常在美國科羅拉多州與阿拉斯加地區捕捉野生動物的身影,日前當他在整理攝影檔案時,突然發現幾年前曾在阿拉斯加的「迪納利國家公園Denali National Park」遇見兩隻野生棕熊在路上行走,當時走在前方的熊熊撞倒放置在路旁的三角椎,正當麥可以為第二隻熊熊也會將它當作玩具玩耍,開啟錄影設備準備記錄這一刻時,沒想到當第二隻熊熊慢慢走近三角錐後,牠先咬住底部、再伸出右掌將三角錐「立起來」,扶正之後頭也不回瀟灑地繼續往前邁進,讓麥克忍不住表示:「這隻熊一定是負責任的哥哥,你永遠都不知道自然界會發生什麼神奇的事!」

熊熊見三角錐倒路邊「順手扶正」 網驚:好有公德心!
熊熊見三角錐倒路邊「順手扶正」 網驚:好有公德心!
熊熊見三角錐倒路邊「順手扶正」 網驚:好有公德心!
熊熊見三角錐倒路邊「順手扶正」 網驚:好有公德心!

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WAIT FOR IT…This clip comes from the archives…shot several years ago on the Canon XL1 on a mini DV tape. Came across the footage while managing data a few weeks ago. Unfortunately only half the sequence was captured…there were two bears walking down the road in Denali National Park and I wasn’t filming because they were on the road…who wants road footage. Knowing they would eventually move off the road the camera was mounted on a tripod and ready. As the lead bear walked past the traffic cone he smacked it with a front paw and knocked the cone over. At this point I started filming thinking the bear bringing up the rear might continue to play with the cone and knock it around some more. But as you saw this bear must have been the responsible older brother and he cleaned up the mess. It just goes to show that you never know what’s going to happen in nature. •* Jukin Media Verified *Find this video and others like it by visiting https://www.jukinmedia.com/licensing/view/1112841For licensing / permission to use, please email licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com. • • #naturephotography #bear #nature #grizzlybear #bear #adventure #explore #wild #remote #alaska #explorealaska #touralaska #wildlife #naturephotography #denalinationalpark #wildlifephotography #summer #enjoyalaska #bearcub #wildandexposed #grizzlybear #remote Michael Mauro(@michaelmaurophoto)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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