盼拜登團結美國領導世界 朱立倫:過去數面之緣替他開心

▲隨著美媒宣布拜登當選美國總統後,國民黨前主席朱立倫也在臉書上發表賀詞,表示過去與拜登有數面之緣,替他感到非常開心。(圖/記者李春台攝, 2020.10.30)
記者丁上程/台北報導-2020-11-08 12:00:06

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I would like to extend my congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris!

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We are confident that President Biden will reunite the nation, assume global leadership in combatting the pandemic together, while restoring the economy and strengthening peace.

I had the pleasure of meeting Joe on several occasions while visiting the U.S. I am hopeful that the U.S. and Taiwan will further its relations under the 46th U.S. president. We will continue to work with both the GOP and Democrats in this effort.

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